ordering guide
(907) 371-4946
There are a few things to keep in mind before ordering your beautiful new custom furniture. We have put together a step by step guide to assist you in the ordering process and to help us in providing you with furniture that will last and look amazing for many years to come!
Step 1.
Begin by choosing a furniture style!
Traditional Furniture
Customize your home or office with one of our traditional pieces of furniture!
Choose from a wide variety of woods, from local Alaskan birch, spruce, or Aspen, to more exotic hardwoods found around the world!
Log Furniture
Our beautiful log furniture, is handcrafted from local spruce and birch trees. Harvested right here in the Fairbanks area!
Imagine…. taking an old dead tree and transforming it into a beautiful work of art!
That is exactly how our log furniture is made here! A single log can be transformed into a table, chair, sofa, bed, dresser, night stand and many other beautiful works of art!
With the proper tools and a good imagination we are proud to say that we are able to use about 95% of each tree that we harvest to build our furniture and the other 5% is used to heat our shop in the winter months.
Step 2.
choose a location
A couple of things to think about when choosing the appropriate size for your new furniture are… where is the piece going to go? Are there any obstructions?(windows , trim, doors etc…) Who will be using the furniture? (kids, adults, or both)? Are there other pieces of furniture near by that you would like to accent? Thinking about these aspects before making your final order will help to determine the correct size for your furniture. We are easily able to make any adjustments that might be needed to ensure your new furniture fits perfectly in its new home and is suitable for the users intended. Any information or photos you might have on the location are welcome and appreciated!
Step 3.
choose finish?
When choosing the right finish for your new furniture, you’ll want to ask yourself a few questions, like is the location inside or outside? How much use will it be getting? Who will be using it? What will be its surroundings? ( room color, surrounding furniture, etc…) will it be exposed to direct sunlight frequently? does it require a food safe surface?
There are lots of great products out there, and choosing the appropriate one is key to ensuring that there will be little to no maintenance and your furniture will last you a lifetime!
We use a wide range of stains, lacquers and varnishes to suite your project. From a subtle natural look to an amazingly durable high gloss epoxy finish, we can provide just the right finish ensuring that your new furniture will maintain its strength and beauty for many years to come!
Step 4.
place your order
Place your order by selecting our “down payment” option found in our online shop